Good Egg Award
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Continuum received a very special award on Thursday evening, November 17, 2011 from The Greater New Haven Community Loan Fund. The Loan Fund is a community resource in existence for more than 23 years dedicated to financing the creation and renovation of affordable housing. Continuum was one of three awardees chosen for the Fund's Annual "Good Egg" awards, given to individuals or organizations that make the community stronger and more humane. Thirty Continuum managers and board members were in attendance for the event along with representatives from area banks, non-profits, and government agencies.
Patti Walker accepted the elegantly inscribed egg on behalf of the Agency and was recognized as leading Continuum to provide stable homes and compassionate support for hundreds of individuals allowing them to feel confident, safe and secure and to become active members of their communities. In accepting the award, Ms. Walker specifically recognized the staff and Board of Directors of Continuum who continually dedicate themselves to transforming lives and supporting some of society's most fragile.
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